Imperial Austria: Treasures of Art, Arms & Armor from the State of Styria
Swarovski is proud to sponsor 'Imperial Austria: Treasures of Art, Arms and Armor from the State of Styria,' an exhibition that documents an important part of Austria's cultural, artistic, and technological history. The exhibition also reveals the high standards of craftsmanship and innovation demonstrated by Austrian artists of the 15th through the 17th centuries.
Much of the armor in the exhibition was made in Tyrol, the home of Swarovski. When Daniel Swarovski founded the company in 1895, he sought to achieve superior technical and artistic standards. A belief in the value of innovation and artistic achievement has guided the company ever since that time.
Styria has always been a border state...always a fortress but also a bridge. In centuries past, they had to repel attacks from the East. Styrians are known for their strong will to hold their own ground. They have acquired their endurance and persistence in difficult times, for often they had to depend on themselves. Daily 'small' wars, assaults, plundering, arson, and constant uncertainty have formed the land and the people. Still, in its best historic dimension, they have always kept strong ties with their neighbors, and in the sovereign state of 'Inner Austria,' with Graz as a capital, Romans, Slavs and Germanic peoples have lived together peacefully.
Throughout its beautiful countryside, one can still find old castles, fortified cities, and chuches, and mighty fortresses. In the Graz, the old 'Zeughaus' Armory Museum contains the original arms and armor, protected by Styrians for centuries from dissolution and destruction.