Im Essentials Text
IM Essentials Text is based on the national core curriculum and written by clerkship directors to cover all of the key content needed for students to get the most out of the clinical clerkship in medicine. Organized by traditional subspecialty internal medicine topics, IM Essentials Text contains more than 250 differential diagnosis tables and treatment algorithms, as well as over 150 color plates, imaging studies, and electrocardiograms to optimize your learning. IM Essentials Text is part of the IM Essentials suite of study materials produced for students through a collaboration of the American College of Physicians and the Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine. Also available is IM Essentials Questions, containing over 500 self-assessment questions. IM Essentials Text includes FREE access to the online version of IM Essentials that combines the full content of both IM Essentials Text and IM Essentials Questions, plus digital Flashcards. The interactive format allows you to: