Ident-I-Cards Fish Set of 9 Freshwater Fish Identification Cards
These waterproof and pocket-size field guides are designed to assist the sportsman to easily identify freshwater fish with accurate, at-a-glance identification of the different species of freshwater fish and will be a valuable addition to your tackle box. This set of nine different freshwater fish ID cards illustrate in lifelike color all of the major freshwater fish families. These families include: Bass, Pike, Trout, Sunfish, Crappie, Salmon, Perch, Walleye, and Catfish. The front of each 4 x 6 inch card illustrates a family of fish with identifying characteristics highlighted. Each back gives scientific and common names, record weights and a brief description of each fish, 51 different species of fish in all. They make great gifts for your special sportsperson. Each set of Freshwater Fish Ident-I-Cards contains images and identification information for the following 51 fish species: Northern Pike, Tiger Muskellunge, Spotted Muskellunge, Chain Pickerel, Grass Pickerel, Redfin Pickerel, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Spotted (Kentucky) Bass, Redeye Bass, Suwannee Bass, Rock Bass, Bluegill, Longear Sunfish, Green Sunfish, Spotted Sunfish, Redear Sunfish, Redbreast Sunfish, Warmouth, Pumpkinseed, Black Crappie, White Crappie, White Bass, Yellow Bass, White Perch, Striped Bass, Walleye, Sauger, Yellow Perch, Blue Pike, Channel Catfish, Blue Catfish, White Catfish, Flathead Catfish, Brown Bullhead, Yellow Bullhead, Black Bullhead, Brown Trout, Brook Trout, Rainbow Trout, Golden Trout, Cutthroat Trout, Lake Trout, Steelhead Trout, Coho (Silver) Salmon, Chinook (King) Salmon, Pink Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Chum Salmon, Atlantic Salmon. The Freshwater Fish Ident-I-Cards have earned the North American Fishing Club Field Test Seal of Approval.