ISO 10628:1997, Flow diagrams for process plants -- General rules
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ISO 10628:1997, Flow diagrams for process plants -- General rules

This International Standard establishes general rules for the preparation of flow diagrams for process plants. These diagrams represent the configuration and function of process plants and form integral parts of the complete technical documentation necessary for planning, mechanical engineering, erecting, managing, commissioning, operating, maintaining and decommissioning of a plant.Flow diagrams help to simplify the exchange of information between the parties involved in the development, mechanical engineering, erection, operation and maintenance of such process plants.This International Standard does not apply to electrotechnical diagrams.

  • TitleISO 10628:1997, Flow diagrams for process plants -- General rules
  • ManufacturerMultiple. Distributed through American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook