INTJ: Portrait of a Mastermind (Portraits of the 16 Personality Types)
Dive deep into the mind of the INTJ with this comprehensive profile of the Mastermind personality type. You'll discover:
- The unique characteristics of the INTJ
- How to spot an INTJ
- Research findings on the INTJ type
- Famous INTJs
- Top careers for the INTJ
- Least popular careers for the INTJ
- INTJs as leaders and teammates
- INTJs in relationships
- INTJs as parents
- Type dynamics of the INTJ
- INTJ under stress
Gain a deep understanding of the sometimes inscrutable INTJ with this exhaustive guide to the Mastermind personality type. Whether you're an INTJ yourself or just want to learn more about this enigmatic personality type, this portrait provides you with everything you need to know.