I am Aspiengirl: The Unique Characteristics, Traits and Gifts of Females on the Autism Spectrum
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I am Aspiengirl: The Unique Characteristics, Traits and Gifts of Females on the Autism Spectrum

Written by 2015 ASPECT Autism Australia National Recognition Award Nominee (Advancement Category), Tania A. Marshall, I Am AspienGirl showcases the unique characteristics, traits and gifts of young females on the Autism Spectrum. I Am AspienGirl was recently awarded a 2015 eLIT Gold Medal Award.
Have you ever wondered why she says she feels different to her peers? Wondered why life seems challenging for her? Her peers seem to gracefully and naturally meet their milestones, yet she has reached some developmental milestones early and some late. She may have spoken and read early, asking an endless array of questions. Maybe at age four she was teaching herself to read as you drove down the road by reading street signs. She may have been an overly active child, had sensory issues, or had a speech delay. You knew she was bright from early on, with a sprinkle of some anxiety, social and eating issues, yet the professionals just cannot find an explanation that completely fits her.

She may be very artistic, whether she sings, draws, paints, or writes, at times, too mature for her age. Yet, she struggles socially and emotionally, acting and appearing younger than her peers. She may be ten years old now, yet none of your research completely fits her or maybe you have just now come across some information on females that completely makes sense to you. Maybe she is "Aspien", a young female with Asperger Syndrome or High-Functioning Autism. She has a unique constellation of super-abilities, strengths,in addition to challenges. She may feel or say that she is from another Planet, Planet Aspien®. If you are looking for a book on the often perplexing and unique female Autism Spectrum traits, then this is the book for you. 

Tania has worked with many individuals, across the lifespan. Many of them have expressed feeling as though they are from another planet, the "wrong planet", that they don't fit in, a feeling that the "mother ship" dropped them off at the wrong destination and/or that there is something "wrong" with them. These individuals who are adults have grown up with low self-esteem, a sense of loneliness, alienation, depression, being bullied and/or misdiagnosed. Unfortunately, diagnostic criteria focuses on "deficits", "weaknesses" and/or "challenges", and often ignores talents. It is becoming quite well-known that many individuals with Autism are quite gifted, in particular areas. Females with Asperger Syndrome tend to be gifted in the areas of cognitive intelligence, art, music, acting, modelling, technology, writing, singing and performing, advanced reading ability, languages, mathematics, languages, nature or animals, to name a few. It has been shown that higher percentage of individuals on the Spectrum have perfect or near-perfect pitch. The premise of the book is to discuss the unique characteristics, traits and strengths and gifts of young girls and teens, both the challenges and the talents.A positive strengths-based self-identity and self esteem is critical. The use of AspienGirl serves as a strengths-based positive identity, which early on can prevent the many difficulties I have seen from developing later on, for those that as adults ares struggling with.
I Am AspienGirl® is currently being translated into the following languages: Spanish, Italian, French, Norwegian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese and Hebrew.

Watch for the sequel, "I am AspienWoman", coming soon.

  • TitleI am Aspiengirl: The Unique Characteristics, Traits and Gifts of Females on the Autism Spectrum
  • ManufacturerAspiengirl®
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-06-17T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook