I Don't Want To Go To The Toilet
Is toilet training your youngster much more challenging than you expected? Is your child uninterested? Does she keep having accidents because she doesn't want to stop playing to go to the toilet? Does he always say no when you ask "Do you have to go peepee (or poop)?"
Or maybe your child is peepee trained but doesn't want to poop in the toilet? Is he having constipation because of all this? Are you worried that your child won't be able to go to preschool or maybe even to Kindergarten because he's not toilet trained? Is your youngster holding in her poop for days, doesn't want to eat and is frightened when the poop gets so big, it has to come out?
In this book, there are two stores for preschoolers - one on peeing and one on pooping - and a guidance section for parents. The first story is Going Peepee. Katie's parents say it's time to start going peepee in the toilet, but Katie doesn't want to stop playing to go. She has lots of accidents. With creative guidance from her parents, Katie starts to see all the advantages and decides she will go peepee every time in the toilet.
In the second story, Going Poop, Ben doesn't like pooping in the toilet. He doesn't like the way his poop feels coming out. He figures that he can tighten his bottom every time and hopes to never have a poop again. But when it has to come out, he gets scared. His parents help him become brave enough to overcome his reluctance and be successful.
The parents' section provides expert guidance on when and how to toilet-train your preschooler. It explains what is the child's view on toilet training. Learn the most age-appropriate tools to motivate youngsters who are uninterested, reluctant, and fearful. Specific advice shows parents how to help children with frequent peeing accidents and children who are resistant and afraid of pooping in the toilet. This manual will clear up conflicting advice, and teach you the skills to guide reluctant youngsters toward toileting success. The parents' section captures the common issues that children have. This book is comprehensive - covering every toileting issue in step-by-step detail. Examples from other families will show how their youngsters became toilet trained including the five year old who said when she grew up her house wouldn't have any toilets.