I Am Goat 2017 Wall Calendar: Animal Portrait Photography and Wisdom From Nature's Philosophers
Consider the goat €" that clever, agile mischief-maker. This wall calendar puts goats in the spotlight as photographer Kevin Horan presents them in a unique and compelling way. Paired with quotes from some of history's great thinkers, the black-and-white portraits make the fuzzy subjects appear deep in thought. You'll think twice about what goes on inside the minds of these sage and wily creatures.
Goats just seem to know something we don't, and that's precisely what the artist conveys with his Chattel series, which he says engages our own feelings about the souls within other beings, human or otherwise.
Month to month, the I Am Goat wall calendar will keep you company in a most quizzical way, and possibly make you question what it means to be human.