How to Suture Wounds Suturing Course: The Apprentice Doctor How to Suture Wounds Course
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How to Suture Wounds Suturing Course: The Apprentice Doctor How to Suture Wounds Course

The "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Course will teach you the stitching and knot-tying techniques used by surgeons all around the world, using the familiar methods of practical demos followed by the student practicing the technique.
The Apprentice Doctor "How to Stitch-up Wounds" Suturing Course is a CODiE Award nominated product and suitable training material for all prospective medical professionals e.g. medical dental and veterinary students.

Important note:
The How to Stitch-up Wounds Course is a skills transfer course and students will either need their own suturing instruments and materials to practice the techniques or will have to invest in the Apprentice Doctor Suturing Kit - with all the necessary instrumentation and items as well as an instructional CD-ROM included.

Students will learn how to:
€Professionally care for wounds
€Tie a number of surgical knots (6 practical projects)
€Neatly tie sutures and avoid ugly scars
€Hold a needle holder and work with a tissue forceps
€Properly line up a wound margins
€Elevate a wound when suturing and why that€s important
€Treat wounds aseptically and minimize the chance of infection
€Correct a dog€s ear suturing defect
€Prevent common wound complications like wound dehiscence

As well as:
€A variety of suturing techniques (13 practical projects)
€About suturing instruments and items, needles, suture thread etc€¦
€Experience various incredible case studies
€Test your knowledge while having fun €“ playing suture games
€Assessment modules included for teachers and lecturers

  • TitleHow to Suture Wounds Suturing Course: The Apprentice Doctor How to Suture Wounds Course
  • ManufacturerThe Apprentice Corporation
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2007-08-10T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook