How to Play Monopoly, Win at Monopoly and Still Keep Your Friends
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How to Play Monopoly, Win at Monopoly and Still Keep Your Friends

Note: This is the US Version with US Street Names, dollars etc. For the UK version, go here:

The best value strategy guide on Kindle for the game of Monopoly. (2013 edition)

Learn how to:

Choose the best properties to purchase

Know when to build and when not to build

Find out the one secret that will maximize your return on investment

Use mortgage money to improve your chances of winning

Choose the best playing piece (seriously - there is one!)

Know the ten most landed on spaces on the board

Get the best and most advantageous trades, using math and psychology

Know when to stay in jail and when to get out

Learn how to hide your money in plain view

Find out how to make the dice odds work in your favor

Win time and time again, and still be friends in the morning :)

The author, G.R. Norman has played Monopoly both casually and competitively for over 35 years, and has compiled his expertise in the game into an easy to digest, informative, expert guide.

  • TitleHow to Play Monopoly, Win at Monopoly and Still Keep Your Friends
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2012-11-24T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook