How to Be a Soul Physician: Learning How Christ Meets the Deepest Longings of a Soul Through the Grace of Prayer
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How to Be a Soul Physician: Learning How Christ Meets the Deepest Longings of a Soul Through the Grace of Prayer

Over one hundred years ago, D. L. Moody urged the church to return to the training of "soul physicians." These are men and women who have learned to lean upon the Holy Spirit in both diagnosing the condition of the soul and in aiding others to experience the blessing that can be found in the Lord Jesus Christ. True ministry flows from the inward person (John 7:37-39) and genuine growth involves strengthening of our spirits (Luke 1:80; Eph. 3:16). This book is designed to allow God to do a work in you that He may freely work through you. it is aimed at equipping you to meet the spiritual needs of others and to shepherd, exhort, and guide God's people. Training people to be soul physicians involves obeying Paul's instruction to Timothy to first "pay close attention to yourself and your teaching," which results not only in one's own sanctification but also in becoming a living epistle and overflowing to others in fulfilling the Great commission. I have written this book to enable you to abound in the work of the Lord as you experience the grace of prayer. As God liberates and frees you, you will also be equipped to overflow and aid others by pointing them to Christ--the only One who can meet the deepest longings of a soul. The truths of this book are very precious to me. If you were to offer millions of dollars in exchange for the experience of Christ's acceptance, authority, motivation and enablement, and continual cleansing, I would not be even tempted to entertain the offer. God graciously offers His loving aid in everyone's battle with anger, guilt, and fear. You can be "more than a conqueror" in these battles and experience the wonderful gift that Jesus called "rest for your soul."

  • TitleHow to Be a Soul Physician: Learning How Christ Meets the Deepest Longings of a Soul Through the Grace of Prayer
  • ManufacturerBerea Publishing
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2010-06-30T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook