How To Write a Great KSA
Whether you are a current federal employee seeking a change or in search of your first federal job, you will find this E-Book a great tool in the development of your Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities narrative statements.
Make no mistake, learning to write great KSAs is absolutely a comprehensive exercise in writing and one most people find daunting, intimidating and unapproachable. KSA statements or narratives are unique to the federal government and in my experience there is seldom a time you will not be required to write one if you are seeking employment in the federal service.
But, if the truth be told, it is really not so difficult to write great KSA responses. All it takes is some patience, adequate time in preparation, and creatively delivering the skills you possess and what you have accomplished throughout your career. Whether it has been a career of several years, a career change, or are just embarking on a career after graduation, you likely possess many of the skills to deliver powerful and articulate responses to KSA statements.
Persuasive, powerful, writing can be a work of art. Think about some of the great writers and literary composers throughout history. They all had a uniquely identifiable style and appealed to a broad audience or readers.
Writing and telling a story is a craft and as with any craft, there is a process that enables you to learn it, continually enlarge and develop it, and lastly, master it! That six step process is what this E-Book will cover in detail.
Additionally, included in this E-Book are 4 professionally written KSA examples that you can use to craft your own great KSA's