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"How To Write Your First Business Plan" (First Timer's Guide)

(Includes USA Friendly Content plus The Principles Taught In This Book Are Transferable To Any Country) This 2nd Edition includes new topics like: - Business Models and Lean Startup and how they relate to your business planning, - Answers to common questions about a business plan, - What it takes to write a business plan, - Why you need to have a business plan, - Why the business planning process is critical, - Why you should write the business plan yourself and other useful topics that bring this content right to the present day and propels your business idea towards success. For example the concept of MVP (The Minimum Viable Product) explained in this book will save you time & money, help you secure some early adopters, generate sales etc The reality is that whenever the word €œBusiness Plan€ is mentioned most people freeze! What follows are the words €œI don€t know how to write one€. It needs not be this way. That is why I have taken the lid off and written in plain English what needs to be considered and included within a business plan. This book has been written to help those who are writing plans for the first time or for those who write business plans infrequently (Even seasoned business plan writers will learn one or two things, I promise!) . I have included two different types of Business Plan Templates. The first one is for those who feel they need a very €œComprehensive Business Plan€ and the second template is what I have called a €œPower Point template€ that can assist you in writing a business plan in just a few hours. Whichever one you choose to use, I want you to know that the information contained in this book has been used to help many start-up and growing businesses and I am confident will be of tremendous value to you. Finally, I have included my personal email for those who need further assistance. This service will be offered FREE for now. Content: The Comprehensive Business Plan Template The Five Parts of a Business Plan Part 1: Marketing Plan: €œWhat I Want To Do€ - Industry overview - Sector overview - Competitors - Product/Service - Place - Price - Total Cost plus profit - Competitors Price - Ability for customers to pay - Standard & Average Price - Marketing/Promotions - Customers - Business Name Part 2: Operations Plan: €œHow I Am Going To Do It€ - Management - Business Structure - Sole Trader/Self Employed - Partnerships (Unlimited Liability) - Limited Company (Limited by Liabilities) - Company Limited by Guarantee - Staff - Insurances - Training Requirements - Exhibitions Part 3: The Financial Plan: €œWhat It Will Cost To Do It€ - What does a Cash flow Forecast look like? - Columns - Rows - Profit and loss account Part 4: Appendices: €œAdditional Supportive Information€ - Letters of intent - Letters of recommendation - CV - Other Literature Part 5: Executive Summary - Background - Market - Business Challenges and how I plan to overcome them - Profitability - How much do you need? The PowerPoint Business Plan Template Slide One: You guessed right Yes! The Cover Page. Slide Two: Guessed yet? Ok it€s €œBusiness Background€ Slide Three: €œWhat You Have Achieved So Far€ Slide Four: €œThe Opportunities As You See It€ Slide Five: €œThe Team€ Slide Six: €œYour Business Model€ Slide Seven: €œIncome/Financial Potential€ Slide Eight: €œHow Much Do You Need€ Slide Nine: €œWhen You Will Pay Back €“ Exit Strategy/Repayment€ Slide Ten: €œContact Details€

  • Title"How To Write Your First Business Plan" (First Timer's Guide)
  • BrandCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform
  • ManufacturerCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • ItemPartNumberblack & white illustrations
  • UnitCount1
  • EANs9781489548115