Hormones Not Calories: The Calorie Myth
The calorie counting bubble has burst. Our ancestors didn't count calories yet maintained desirable physiques. It’s not calorie counting, it’s the food and it’s impact upon your body's hormones that count.
The one eternal truth which has been completely overlooked. People are looking for answers to their diet and fitness problems which are unique, exotic, or completely wild, when in fact the answers are quite mundane. Take the facts and apply them.
We all want to have a lean, good looking body which feels great, but why is it that so few people actually achieve this? Why is it that people spend so long worrying and trying to find a solution? The dieting industry has grown beyond all proportions. Every passing week it produces a new theory, idea or secret formulae. You’ve tried everything from counting calories to counting points, from eating little and frequently to eating lots and irregularly.
The problem is obvious. What should be the simplest process has been grossly over-complicated. You spend more and more on books, videos and membership fees only to look elsewhere for the new way to lose weight or maintain a slim physique.
Enter Hormones Not Calories. The team has gone back to basics to expose the facts on food and diet psychology. People are more unaware today than ever before on what exactly is in the food they eat and the effects of their diet. Hormones Not Calories cuts through the huge dieting industry and gives you exactly what you need to know with exposing comparisons of common foods.
The key to it all? Stop obsessively counting calories and focus on what matters: hormones. It's not rocket science.