Hoodoo and Conjure New Orleans 2014
This magazine journal is an 8 X 10 special edition, full color bleed, of the highest quality and bound like a book. A true collector's item and must have for any student of conjure and lover of New Orleans and Southern folk magic traditions.
This issue highlights recent events in the world of New Orleans Voudou and includes more Louisiana contributors and talented writers in the wide world of Hoodoo and Conjure.
In this issue:
FEATURE STORIES The Pink Tomb of Marie Laveaux: Devotion or Desecration? by Denise Alvarado
Bearing Witness to Fate: Ifa Reading for 2014 by Baba Eli
American Horror Story Coven: Will the Real Papa Legba Please Stand Up? by Denise Alvarado
Getting a Jump on Successful New Year by Dorothy Morrison
In the Shadow of the Crossroads by Alyne Pustanio
Louisiana Woman, Carolina Man by Carolina Dean
Walking on the Vows of an Ifa Rootworker by Doc Oloyade Hava
The Noninitiates Guide to Palo by Madrina Angelique
Following Tituba by Witchdoctor Utu
New Orleans Practitioner Profile: The Divine Prince Ty Emmecca by Denise Alvarado
APPLIED CONJURE Brown Bottle Spell by Magick LaCroix
Easy Low Cost Money Spells by Carolina Dean
Getting that Swing: How to Use a Pendulum by Carolina Dean
Talking to the Ancestors with Bare Bones by Melony Malsom
A Guide to Candle Shapes and Figures by Celeste Heldstab
Blockbuster Magick by Khi Armand