Hives and More Sting Less Top Feeder
When I first started keeping bees I donned my bee suit every time I walked near the hive. Little by little I got more confident, especially when replacing the jars on the top feeder. I would slowly slide the empty one off as I slid one full one on. I soon realized that the bees really didn't mind me being there. Well on day I was in a hurry to catch a plane and I rushed to the hive to replace the feeder jar before I left. I guess I was a little hasty or they were in a bad mood but one flew out and stung me. A sting is no big deal but neither is an ant bite and I don't like those either. Anyway, while I was on the plane I thought of an idea that would keeps the bees in the hive while I changed jars. I tried it, revised it and revised it again until I got it right. Now when I go out to change the feeder jar I know I won't get stung. Simply fit this feeder over the existing hole in the hive cover and install the two screws. If you offset the feeder hole from the one on the hive cover any drips from the feeder jar will drip on the cover. Depending on condition the bees may close up the screen with propolis. Check your screen to make sure it is clear for the bees to feed when you changes jars. Order a second one to have on hand so you can change them out if this occurs giving you time to clean one while the other is in use.