High School Football Definitions: The Key To Understanding the Rules- includes DVD
Ask any officiating trainer or veteran official and they will tell you that rule two, where definitions reside, is the most important rule in the book. Why are the definitions so important? Because definitions enable us to have a common understanding of a word or subject; they allow us to all be on the same page when discussing or implementing a rule.
High School Football Definitions: The Key to Understanding the Rules is the newest addition to the Referee Football Training Center. It doesn t attempt to cover everything in the rulebook; it does take the definitions and describe them on an entirely different level. To maximize your retention, it includes breakdowns of 20 video plays that work hand-in-hand with the text.
In many cases, the standard definitions need more explanation. Sometimes they need parts, phrases or concepts from other rules to clarify what is meant. Properly defining the terms and phrases is essential to the success of your preseason preparation. President Lincoln once said, Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. The same goes for the rules. When you take the time to sharpen your knowledge of the definitions, it will save you time and increase your success when you train.