Hidden Past Vol. 2 (Yaoi Manga) (The Dark Earth)
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Hidden Past Vol. 2 (Yaoi Manga) (The Dark Earth)

Aidan€s life with his grandfather in Devil€s Ridge worsens. Though his mother puts on a brave face for the sake of her children, she and Aidan are both aware of Grandfather Patrick€s intimate connection with a dark force -- one that the whole town seems to worship.

Aidan's new Sidhe acquaintance, Asher Vane, is a compelling figure, but meeting Asher only ignites his grandfather€s fury... and worse. Unable to escape the old man's attention and not even able to leave the house, how will Aidan protect his family?

And can he even trust Asher, who wants to take him away from everything Aidan€s ever loved?
90 Pages of Manga (due to file size limitations we can only do 90 pages of art per volume now otherwise quality drops and we want you to see and love this art)
Also includes:
8400 Word Exclusive Yaoi Story - Dreams of Wood and Water

Vol. 1 - Devil's Ridge: ASIN: B006NSWC6I
Vol. 2 - Hidden Past: ASIN: B00AGLOFJU
Vol. 3 - Dark Prince: ASIN: B00B274HPE
Vol. 4 - Legacy: ASIN: B00G4DN3IS
Vol. 5 - The Gathering Dark: ASIN: B00JB109BY
Vol. 6 €“ A Memory Darkly: Too hot for Amazon€s TOS for Kindle on Amazon itself, but available at the Raythe Reign shop EXCLUSIVELY.
Vol. 7 - Mage Lord: ASIN B013RR4K1C
Vol. 8 - The Mage Inside: ASIN B01AZMD5F
Vol. 9 - Coming Soon!
Extra Volume - Dream: Too hot for Amazon's TOS for Kindle on Amazon itself, but available at the Raythe Reign Shop!

  • TitleHidden Past Vol. 2 (Yaoi Manga) (The Dark Earth)
  • ManufacturerRaythe Reign Publishing
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2012-11-30T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook