Heroes: Mass Murder and Suicide (Futures)
What is the relationship between capitalism and mental health? In his most unsettling book to date, Franco €œBifo€ Berardi embarks on an exhilarating journey through philosophy, psychoanalysis and current events, searching for the social roots of the mental malaise of our age.
Spanning an array of horrors €“ the Aurora €œJoker€ killer; Anders Breivik; American school massacres; the suicide epidemic in Korea and Japan; and the recent spate of €œausterity€ suicides in Europe €“ Heroes dares to explore the darkest shadow cast by the contemporary obsession with relentless competition and hyper-connectivity. In a volume that crowns four decades of radical intellectual work, Berardi develops the psychoanalytical insights of his friend F©lix Guattari and proposes dystopian irony as a strategy to disentangle ourselves from the deadly embrace of absolute capitalism.