Her King: Royal Amante
A King Is Nothing Without His Queen Backing Him!
Amante is on a rampage to find out who is out to spill Perelli blood. While doing so he will have to keep his Queen and children safe. Will his Queen understand the extreme lengths he goes to in order keep them protected?
Regina is now a new mother of twins facing two battles. One is to rid herself of cancer and the other is to be there to support her King in any way possible. That is until she finds out what he really does to people who threatens his family. Will she take her children and run away from the dangers that surrounds them because of the Perelli blood that runs through their veins? Or will she stay by her King's side even if that means getting her hands dirty in the process?
Sheree, one of Regina's bestfriends is working on mending her broken heart. She vows to never fall in love again and just live life as a free spirit. While during so she comes across a man that could very well become the King she been waiting for to grace her life. Scared of being hurt again she uses him to fulfill her sexual needs and keeps it moving. That is until her mind and body starts to only yearn for him. Could she have finally come across her King?