Hegner 14
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Hegner 14" Precision Scroll Saw

To scrollsawing purists, the Multimax 14e is the quintessential HEGNER Precision Saw. Of all current HEGNER models, this machine is the closest to the original HEGNER design, with whom it actually shares many features and components. Dollar for dollar, the Multimax 14e remains one of the purest cutting machines available. Its 14" throat is ample for many classic scollsaw projects, and its thickness capacity of just under 2" easily handles even muitiple layers of the 1/2" and 3/4" material most commonly used for typical scrolling. The 14e's powerful single-speed induction motor is linked directly to the sawing frame with high-performance, maintenance-free anti-friction bearings to provide highly reliable and versatile performance, able to handle a wide range of projects with high levels of comfort and control. A 45-degree tilting table adds the ability to saw a full range of bevels, and an automatic, built-in sawdust blower is also standard equipment. Most importantly, the Multimax-14e uses a pure, unadulterated "perfect parallelogram" sawing action, keeping the blade perfectly vertical while moving it slightly forward on the sawing downstroke, and returning it an equally minute distance back on the returning upstroke. This action is a cornerstone of the unique HEGNER cutting "feel" that has gained so many thousands of fans around the world, and it makes this machine very enjoyable to use. Just as important, this action is largely responsible for both the smooth action that reduces workpiece lifting and chatter so remarkably, and also for the superb finish left on the sawn edges, which in many materials can actually appear polished and require no sanding whatsoever!

  • TitleHegner 14" Precision Scroll Saw
  • BrandHegner
  • ManufacturerHegner
  • ProductGroupTools
  • ModelM14-E