Haunted Sites of London
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Haunted Sites of London

Discover London€s haunted heritage with 'Haunted Sites of London'.

London has long been considered the most haunted city in the world. There are hundreds of places in Central and Greater London where ghosts have been encountered. Many are haunted by more than one ghost.

'Haunted Sites of London' is a gazetteer of more than 300 locations throughout the city, detailing the ghosts haunting each location and the fascinating stories behind them.

It is the most comprehensive guide to London€s haunted sites ever compiled. You€d have to buy armfuls of books to get the same information. Whether you€re a Londoner or a visitor, 'Haunted Sites of London' is a spookily good resource.

It took author Richard Holland many months of research through hundreds of thousands of words to compile 'Haunted Sites of London'. The author used this information to create the database for the iPhone/Android phone app Ghost Finder London. It can be read in conjunction with the app €“ which has plotted all the locations on Google maps €“ or enjoyed separately as a book in its own right. The database is the same.

Many of the city€s most famous locations are haunted. They include the Tower, Westminster Abbey, St Paul€s Cathedral and even Heathrow Airport and the O2 Arena. But in addition there are hundreds of less well-known sites which can boast a ghost or two, including, pubs, parks, theatres, churches, roads and railway stations. The River Thames is haunted, too, and several of the bridges that span it. There are also many obscure houses in quiet back streets where ghosts have been seen.

You will read about all of them in 'Haunted Sites of London'.

  • TitleHaunted Sites of London
  • ManufacturerApparition
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2012-10-17T11:45:59.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook