Hasbro Star Wars Starfighter Vehicle E3 Ve01 Anakin Skywalker Jedi Starfight
We doubt it was the mode of transportation made available to Anakin Skywalker by the Jedi knights that made him renounce his friends, take up with the dark side, and become Darth Vader. Because the starfighter given to the conflicted and sullen Anakin was actually pretty cool. Done up in toy version here, it sports wings that open into an x-formation, a pair of spring-loaded missiles, an embedded R2 unit, retractable landing gear, and a canopy. We found the ship to be well built and attractive. Unlike many toys, there are no batteries to buy, insert, or worry about here. It’s simply a vehicle for imaginative play, something that the Star Wars series has always provided in ample amounts. --Charlie Williams