Handmade Custom Kazoo (Made of Figured White Oak, and Walnut)
This Kazoo is made and designed by Jerry Farnsworth of Bloomington, Indiana. I've used Figured Oak and Walnut ....both great tonewoods for the best sound. Using a larger hole improves both lower end notes, and highs. DON"T blow and cover the hole at the same time....the wax paper inside is sensitive. DO try both ends of the kazoo...they sound different. Replacing the wax paper membrane.......unscrew all 4 screws... remove top...cut supplied wax paper to the size of space........put wax paper and top on, holding top steady and pushed together, while screwing all 4 screws...do not over tighten. Test.....play well. Playing Tips from Wiki Remember that the kazoo should not be hard to play at all. If you are blowing hard and getting no sound, then try softening your breath. When playing the kazoo it generally helps to make a sound that is higher pitched than you normally would while humming It may help to make a "duh" sound into the kazoo You can get a cool wah-wah effect by holding the fingers of one hand over the top of the kazoo and gently lifting them up as you blow into the kazoo. As you get the hang of it, put some feeling into it and let the music swing and sway. With a little practice you will be playing jazz and blues riffs that will amaze your friends and neighbors. When you start out, you shouldn't play the kazoo too much. You can become hoarse. Remember, others may not enjoy hearing your kazoo, as much as you enjoy playing it, especially if you play alot. Do consider your audience.