Handloader Magazine - April 1997 - Issue Number186
The .44 WCF is a Rifle Cartridge - Reloader's Press - Dave Scovill/
Nosler Reloadin Guide Number Four - Benchtopics - Layne Simpson/
Who Would'a Thought the Thing Was Loaded? - Handguns - Jim Wilson/
Sighting a Scatter Gun - Singles & Doubles - Don Zutz/
.25-20 WCF - Cartridge Board - Gil Sengel/
9x23 Winchester - High Performance 9mm - Layne Simpson/
Refining and Redefining the Brush Load - There's no such thing as a brush bucking bullet. - Don Zutz/
Pet Loads: My Favorite Cartridges - Ken picks the best of the best. - Ken Waters/
Light Bullets in the .338 Winchester Magnum - Fast and flat for plains and mountains. - John Barsness/
Handloading-Part V Powders That Smoke - Black powder run down - Al Miller/
12 Gauge, 3 1/2 Inch High Performance Buckshot Loads - Extensive load data for the field. - Wallace Labisky/
Alliant's American Select - Propellant Profiles - John Kronfeld