Handcrafted Brazilian Rain Forest Copaiba Soap with (Acai Berry Butter) & Tree Leaves
Copaiba Oil is actually an oleoresin tapped from the Amazon ...Rainforest Copaiba tree. This resinous oil is rich in beta-carophylene which promotes germ-free action and is an excellent anti-acne, *skin clearing agent. The resin is extracted from the trunk of the Copaiba tree through small holes that close naturally with the natives of the Amazon, the Copaiba tree offers many natural health properties which have been utilized for years While soap in an essential for cleanliness and good health... it is not always recommended for facial care. Some soaps can dry the sensitive skin and leave behind a film that doesn't look or feel good. Copaiba, on the other hand, is soap-less and gentle on dry, oily, and combination skin. It has been used for years by Brazilian women to enhance their exotic, tropical...beauty, and in recent years American woman are discovering these secrets can help them look young and fresh. This *soap is the good for body and face. It especially works well on children and all ages...