Ham It Up v1.3 Barebones - Nooelec RF Upconverter for Software Defined Radio. Works with Most SDRs Like HackRF & RTL-SDR (RTL2832U with E4000, FC0013 or R820T Tuners); MF/HF Converter with SMA Jacks
Ham/amateur radio enthusiasts, rejoice! Our MF/HF converter for software defined radio will allow you to listen to MF and HF through your existing software defined radio (SDR). If you do not currently have an SDR we have plenty of low-cost solutions available in our store. Proudly designed, fabricated and assembled in the USA and Canada!
Brand new & improved v1.3 version of our popular upconverter is now available for immediate shipment!
Improvements include increased sensitivity, ultra-low voltage noise floor, optional battery-powered operation, side-mounted LED indicators, fully-assembled broadband RF noise-source circuit, u.fl socket for optional external clock injection, surface-mount high-accuracy oscillator and much, much more!
These improvements are in addition to the standard features of the Ham It Up line, including female SMA input and output jacks, ESD protection on the input to product your Ham It Up and SDR, ultra-high-Q & low ESR components used for all filters, PTC protection fuse on power input, enable/disable passthrough toggle switch, and open-hardware design with full published circuitry and specifications.
FREE BONUS: We had space left on the PCB, so rather than waste it we have added a noise source circuit at no additional cost. We have even populated most of the components for you. We have the SMA connector required to complete this bonus noise source circuit available for a small additional fee. Details of the noise source circuit are available with the project documentation.
Full operating instructions, specifications and features list are available on our website, nooelec.com
IMPORTANT NOTE:Ham It Up enclosures designed for versions prior to v1.3 will NOT work 100% with Ham It Up v1.3. A new enclosure, or enclosure upgrade kit, is required. Both items can be found in our store. If you have questions please our support team any time!