Hakama for Aikido Kendo BJJ - Black - Large
A Piranha Gear pleated hakama made of 100% cotton. This is made in the "divided" or "umanori" style to allow separate movement of each leg.
With a stiff, but comfortable koshi-ita (back board) and a plastic hakama-dome below the koshi-ita to help keep it attached to your belt. These are made with the traditional "7 pleats".
We've tried various combination of mixed fabric (cotton/poly, poly/rayon, etc.). While the low care/maintenance was pretty sweet, we think they're just TOO DANG HOT - or maybe we're just whimps.
You can find the mixed fabric ones elsewhere, but we just sell what we really use... and these are SOOOO much more comfortable.
If you're getting one purely for demos or a formal event, it's probably best to stick with something that is NOT all cotton.