H&R Block Signature 2004
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H&R Block Signature 2004

H&R Block Signature 2004 is a rather unique product that allows extensive computer-based tax preparation. The key difference is that, once you've filled out your tax form, you may submit it to an H&R Block tax professional. Your tax professional will check your work and correct any errors, then - with your approval - sign and e-file your return to the IRS. It's a perfect medium that allows more personal professional interaction with a software based tax preparation product. It's probably the best value of all the tax preparation products. Here's how it works: Key Features - Audit Protection - Our signature means that if the IRS audits or serves notice to you, an H&R Block representative will assist in answering questions regarding the preparation of your return. Tax Consultation - Get unlimited phone or e-mail consultation with an experienced tax pro to answer tax questions. Seamless Imports - Quickly and easily import last year's tax data from TaxCut or TurboTax. E-file - The fastest way to get your refund, included at no additional charge.

  • TitleH&R Block Signature 2004
  • BrandH&R Block
  • ManufacturerH&R Block
  • BindingCD-ROM
  • ProductGroupSoftware
  • ItemPartNumber1614600-04
  • Model1614600-04
  • ReleaseDate2005-01-17T00:00:01Z
  • FormatCD-ROM
  • UPCs735290101310
  • EANs0735290101310