"HIRED!" The Essential Guide To Interview Success: How To Prepare, Perform And Follow Up (The Obv!ous Cand!date Series)
Apply These Proven Ideas and Land the Job! "Gets right to the point and comes out firing with fantastic advice for acing your next interview. You will learn things you can use today." Ian Harris. This action-focused 'Essential Guide' was written for busy Job Seekers who are looking for the winning edge to land the job, but who don't have the time or inclination to read long, drawn-out books on interview skills. If you are in the job search process, you know the emotions and the pressures that come with it. You know the moments of self doubt. You know the soul searching. You know the hope. So when you are invited to an interview you know just how critical it is to make it count. In this brief guide, Interview Success Coach and Author Sam Waterfall shares his proven methods for acing your performance when it matters most. Dividing your interview approach into three simple steps, he shows you how to Prepare, Perform and Follow Up. With step-by-step instruction throughout, you'll find tips and guidance you can easily apply without having to spend hours reading long-winded books. The short text you are reading can help you the night before your interview or even if you've downloaded it en route. Read it. Apply it. And join the thousands who've put The Interview Doctor tried, tested and proven methods to work to land the job.