HIPAA Omnibus Rules Simplified - The HIPAA made EASY Approach to Privacy and Security Compliance for The Healthcare Facility
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HIPAA Omnibus Rules Simplified - The HIPAA made EASY Approach to Privacy and Security Compliance for The Healthcare Facility

HIPAA: A decade ago we barely knew what this 5-letter acronym stood for. Now a days, healthcare professionals in the USA need a sub-specialty or fellowship in HIPAA protocols to make sense of the intricacies. From computer and internet configuration, to encryption coding and software interface, to the new-language of HIPAA acronyms and definitions, and don’t forget paper shredding, paperless-form protection and (17) new forms you will need written to the new HIPAA Omnibus Rule standards. Are you “hip”? Are you understanding the full complexity of this ambiguous but ever-present monster? HIPAA is the beast you have to tame.
If you dissect the HIPAA Omnibus Rules, and read through them enough times (as I did), you start to see a pattern emerge with the need to have these (3) “must have” HIPAA Compliance Categories in place with in your dental office: Training, Paperwork & Facility Protocols that include all required components.
Is your head spinning right about now? That’s understandable. The Omnibus Rules are pretty intense! And the government is taking the protection of patient PHI very seriously. With the advancement of technology and massive information sharing, healthcare employees, as well as, employers must conform. All these questions and much more is answered within our new book 'HIPAA Omnibus Rules Simplified - The HIPAA made EASY Approach to Privacy and Security Compliance for The Healthcare Facility'
If you are one of the following healthcare providers, the HIPAA Omnibus Rules apply to you,
Nursing Homes Pharmacies
Health Plans
Medical, Dental, and Vision Plans
Medicare & Medicaid
Long Term Care
Veteran Plan
Health Care Clearinghouses
Billing Services
Re-pricing Companies
Community Health Mng.
Value Added Networks
Business Associates
Collection Agency
Confirmation/Message Service
IT Tech Consultants
Cleaning Crews
Unsupervised After Hours Services
Independent Contractors

  • TitleHIPAA Omnibus Rules Simplified - The HIPAA made EASY Approach to Privacy and Security Compliance for The Healthcare Facility
  • ManufacturerHIPAA made EASY
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2015-02-19T18:19:06.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook