HB420036C5 PU Leather Korean Version Women's Handbag,Square Cross-Section Small Square Package
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HB420036C5 PU Leather Korean Version Women's Handbag,Square Cross-Section Small Square Package

Bags, handbags bags, purse, key bag, purse, hand bags, handbags, backpacks, bags, bag, briefcase and so on. Not only for the storage of personal items, but also can reflect a person's identity, status, economic status and character etc.. From the previous to the rise of modern, decorative package is closely linked with the evolution of clothing. Since the end of the eighteenth century, accompanied by unofficially engaged wavy skirt was slim clothes replace after, both ladies or gentlemen will have to find a personal belongings of the bag can be loaded. Based on different cultural trends, different era, different occasions, women package decoration has evolved out of the ever-changing form. Go to work, shopping, dating, dinner, outing, climbing...... Not so many activities of different nature, different styles of bags to cope? Different dress will take different packages, package that master grade, the package is closely related to the woman partner. Go out every day did not select a suitable woman bag, even if again how to dress up, how much will also have the regret. For most men, although, unlike women's handbags like gorgeous riotous, lurking, but is used up man's dedication and potential ambition: a thick stack of documents and materials, the agreement, indicating that the their future opportunities and wealth.

  • BrandFCZERO
  • ColorC5
  • Departmentwomens
  • EAN9480869202202
  • PackageQuantity1
  • ProductGroupShoes
  • ProductTypeNameHANDBAG
  • TitleHB420036C5 PU Leather Korean Version Women's Handbag,Square Cross-Section Small Square Package