This short-story based on a true event in 1967 Vietnam tells how legendary U.S. Marine snipers Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock and his buddy Lance Corporal Johnnie Burke set off on a mission into enemy occupied Elephant Valley to stir up their brand of trouble. What they are surprised to find there is a confrontation with an entire company of North Vietnamese Army regulars. Exactly how these two snipers manage to control the situation is one of the most exciting improbabilities of the entire war.
Moreover, these two Marines pull this stunt off continually without a break for days and nights and set a precedent in the annals of Marine battles. Two men against a company of enemy soldiers and how these two came out smelling like roses (well not quite) is one of the most intriguing tales ever told. You the reader are there with them and you learn how they did it.
Sadly, not long after this triumph, Hathcock€s buddy John R. Burke loses his life during a nighttime firefight in which Marine base Hill 950 is over-run by a superior force of the NVA. But not before Burke displays such heroism during the battle that his selfless actions earn him the Navy Cross, the Bronze Star and other commendations the Marines posthumously award its heroes. This too is part of this short but fast-moving story.
This exciting true adventure tale will give you these answers and more€¦just hang in there with Carlos Hathcock and this author will tell you how he did it. Here are Hathcock€s tips for sighting in a sportsman€s rifle, as only he knew how to do it to make those incredible long-range shots.