Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America
A provocative history that reveals how gunsۥnot abortion, race, or religionۥare at the heart of America's cultural divide.
Gunfight is a timely work examining America€s four-centuries-long political battle over gun control and the right to bear arms. In this definitive and provocative history, Adam Winkler reveals how guns€•not abortion, race, or religion€•are at the heart of America€s cultural divide. Using the landmark 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller€•which invalidated a law banning handguns in the nation€s capital€•as a springboard, Winkler brilliantly weaves together the dramatic stories of gun-rights advocates and gun-control lobbyists, providing often unexpected insights into the venomous debate that now cleaves our nation. 20 illustrations