Guitar Players: It's More Fun On A Guitar You Build ... Guitar Building From Quality Kits
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Guitar Players: It's More Fun On A Guitar You Build ... Guitar Building From Quality Kits

You know the feeling when you get a new guitar home and really play it for the first time? It's an even greater feeling of reward when you built the guitar yourself! Hey, you can do it. I never built anything worthwhile before building my first guitar, and now I've built twenty of them from kits! And YOU can build a guitar that will give you joy and great fulfillment!

For a guitar player, bringing home a new guitar is thrilling, but BUILDING and playing a guitar you built yourself is incomparably more rewarding! I played guitar for 45 years, then thought I'd would like to build one. Build one? (He said to himself...) Can an individual just build a guitar? It seemed pretty scary at first, but then, I ran across an ad that talked about KIT GUITARS.

That was the ticket! That was nine years ago. In the meantime, I've now built 20 guitars, all from kits of various kit providers such as C.F. Martin & Co., Stewart-MacDonald, and Blues Creek Guitars. I founded an internet forum on the subject in 2007 (then sold the forum), and I've published two full-length books on kit building (available on the internet), and I've written feature articles for Acoustic Guitar magazine and Woodworking Magazine. I've has now released this new ebook for the Kindle. I'm also still building guitars, now completing a Brazilian and Coastal Redwood beauty.

I have never talked to or emailed with a kit guitar builder who wasn't, at first, doubtful that he or she could do it. I was the same way, since I'd never built much of anything with wood. But, EVERY single builder I've ever communicated with, including every one of the builders on my kit guitar forum (now owned by John Hall) said the same thing: They were 'amazed' at how good the guitar sounded; they never thought it would sound so good! (And they all plan to build more than one guitar!)

Building a guitar, for a guitar player or woodworker, is an incredible thrill. If you have any interest at all, spenda buck and buy this ebook! It can lead to a whole new hobby -- or who knows -- even a business!

Included in the ebook are chapters on:
1) Guitar Construction: How does an acoustic guitar work?
2) What's In A Kit: An entire guitar in a box, explained in detail.
3) Tools and Supplies You Will Need: Lists (not too long) and information.
4) Space, The Final Frontier: Where will you build it? (Doesn't take much room!)
5) Finishing: Aha! Finishing can be tricky, but it CAN be done well!
6) Summary: A bit of encouragement: If I could do it, ANYBODY could!

You'll never know how much fun it is until you do it yourself!

  • AuthorBill Cory
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • EditionSecond
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • IsAdultProduct
  • NumberOfPages18
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2012-01-31
  • ReleaseDate2012-01-31
  • TitleGuitar Players: It's More Fun On A Guitar You Build ... Guitar Building From Quality Kits