Guerrilla Multilevel Marketing: 100 Free and Low-Cost Ways to Get More Network Marketing Leads
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Guerrilla Multilevel Marketing: 100 Free and Low-Cost Ways to Get More Network Marketing Leads

Guerrilla Marketing has become a bestselling book in 62 languages for one simple reason: it works like no other marketing: to maximize your profits and minimize your investment. With more than 21 million copies of Guerrilla Marketing books sold worldwide, and the many university MBA programs offering Guerrilla Marketing, this is now far beyond an opinion. Guerrilla Marketing is the best known marketing brand in history.

Now imagine Guerrilla Marketing meets Network Marketing. Read the guerrilla start-up stories of the top-earning multilevel marketing training leaders like Dr. Joe Rubino, Margie Aliprandi, Randy Gage, Janine Avila, Doug Firebaugh, Lorna Rasmussen, Tim Sales, Mary Young, Keith McEachern, Janet Larson, John David Mann, Dani Johnson, Kosta Gara and more.

Discover 100 low cost tools and tactics for bringing in an endless stream of qualified leads after your warm list is exhausted. Lead generation is useless and costly unless you learn the system this guide describes for how to find and then convert prospects into relationships. Learn how to use the network marketing system that gets immediate results and is easily teachable. This book helps you gain and sustain momentum in your business. You get a 7-sentence marketing plan customizable to your network marketing product and business.

Eliminate the uncertainty of what's ahead by scheduling your promotional activities with a powerful, yet easy to use guerrilla marketing calendar. Learn how to position your multi level marketing offer to niche audiences ignored by others. Identify your prospect's core needs so you become an asset they can't do without. Energize and maximize your results from public events like expos where you can potentially meet thousands of new people. Learn how to dominate your niche to become the resource prospects think of first and apply more than 60 ways to use follow up to build life-time customers and much more.

What Network Marketing Leaders and Others Say:

"Least you think it's all advertising ambushes, recruiting raids and sales sneak attacks, the fundamental philosophy is, "In order to sell a product or a service, you must establish a relationship with the customer. You must build trust and support. You must understand the customer's needs, and you must provide a product [or opportunity] that delivers the promised benefits." Rock solid GMP (Good Marketing Practices) for becoming and being a successful network marketer."
~John Milton Fogg,
author, The Greatest Networker in the World

"This book is a must-read for any networking professional or those aspiring to become one."
~ Networking Times, Jan/Feb 2008

"This is a great manual that I wish I had when I began my journey in this wonderful profession."
~ Kosta Gara (Kosta has earned over $12 million in network marketing in the past six years.)

"I have been in this industry (MLM) for over 22 years and I can say that this is the book the industry has needed. Having a step by step guide to create success is sure to take our team to the top in the industry."
~Dave Swaim, President, RH&R Enterprises, Sr. Exec, TeamNexplosion, NexagenUSA, Huntsville, AL

"No matter what business you're in, Guerrilla Marketing, the Bible of lively, low-cost marketing tips, is invaluable."
~ Los Angeles Times

"Make Jay Levinson and James Dillehay's book "Guerilla Multilevel Marketing" part of your plan because the only thing dumber than going after cold leads is going out there unprepared."
~ Daniel Greenfield

"Jay is one of the foremost business marketing experts in the world. No one knows how to use the weapons of the trade better than industry expert Jay Levinson."
~ Entrepreneur magazine

"Jay is to marketing what Wayne Gretsky is to hockey, Shaq is to basketball and Steve Jobs is to computers."
~ Guy Kawasaki, CEO, Garage Technology Ventures

  • TitleGuerrilla Multilevel Marketing: 100 Free and Low-Cost Ways to Get More Network Marketing Leads
  • BrandWarm Snow Publishers
  • ManufacturerWarm Snow Publishers
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • UnitCount1
  • EANs9780971068490