Gretchen's Twins
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Gretchen's Twins

Charlie loves the fact his wife€s tits ballooned up two sizes when she got pregnant and gave birth to twins. He loves the fact he can continue to keep her tits big as long as he continues to nurse from them when their offspring finally give up on breast milk. But life for the couple quickly becomes strange and confusing when they bring in others to enjoy Gretchen€s wonderful twins.

This is a 15,000 word novelette intended for adult audiences.

Content warning: This story features graphic sex, group sex, lesbian sex, erotic lactation, and other depictions of adult sexuality. Strong language and adult only content.


€œOnce your milk stops, I€ll stop. Look, you€re already leaking. Your body knows it€s milking time.€

She sighed€"half in frustration, half in anticipation€"and laid down on the bed. I joined her and immediately started sucking the milk leaking out of her right tit. It filled my mouth with her creamy goodness. I swallowed audibly letting her know I was getting the best of her essence. €œIt€s just a letdown reflex,€ she told me while running her hand absently through my hair. €œIt the same time of night, every night, and my body knows what you€ll be doing to it. It€ll stop soon enough.€

€œNo, it won€t,€ I insisted, taking a short break from the breast. €œWe€re going to do this forever.€

She rolled her eyes. €œFine. But what do I get out of this?€ she asked.

€œYou get to please me?€ I lamely suggested before going back for more.

€œNo. Well, yes, there is that. But I want more. I want to play again.€

There was a long pause between us as I continued to suckle. I hated it when she wanted to talk and I wanted to nurse. It was distracting.

€œPlay?€ I asked tentatively. I knew exactly what she wanted; I was just avoiding the issue.

€œI want a threesome again. I want another man€s cock in me again.€

  • TitleGretchen's Twins
  • ManufacturerGreen Bush Publishing
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2012-05-25T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook