Greek Mythology: Ancient Legends of Gods and Heroes [Two Books in One!] (Greek gods, Greek myths, Greek heroes)
âšš Delve Deep Into the Stories of Greek Heroes and Gods âšš
Two Books in One!☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀
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Includes a surprise at the end! ☺
From Achilles to Heracles and Zeus to Hades, ancient Greek gods and heroes have had a long historical presence. Journey into the book as you learn more about how past Greek civilizations perceived the world. How did the world come to be? How are natural disasters portrayed? What about tales of the Trojan War? This two book in one novel will cover it all.
Behold your eyes! Here are some of the topics covered in the first book
✓ Before Time and Life
✓ The Titans
✓ Twelve Olympians
✓ Greek Heroes, Demigods
✓ Greek Mortals
✓ And More!
And here are some of the topics covered in book two!
✓ Primordial Gods
✓ The Ourea
✓ The Sky Gods
✓ Minor Gods of the Underworld
✓ Greek Heroes continued
✓ And More!
So what are you waiting for! Grab this bargain two book in one today! Learn more about ancient Greek life and Greek culture. You can start by understanding Greek mythology - by recounting the stories and lessons told in this novel. Thank you for your audience!