God in the Dark: The Assurance of Faith Beyond a Shadow of Doubt
"A profound and excellent book for doubters and their friends who want to help." --James W. Sire, Author; campus lecturer for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
"Clear, steady explanation of what doubt is and how it is to be dealt with. There is nothing like it in print." --Dallas Willard, Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern California
Do you have significant doubts about God? Are you afraid to doubt, much less admit to anyone that you aren't fully convinced of God's faithfulness? Are you so torn by your questions that life is losing its meaning?
This forthright but compassionate book works to tear away the layers of misunderstanding about doubt to reveal not only its dangers but its great value. As author Os Guinness explains: "If ours is an examined faith, we should be unafraid to doubt... There is no believing without some doubting, and believing is all the stronger for understanding and resolving doubt."
For those who are unsure of God's trustworthiness--and for those who are in a dark place, wanting to know "Why?" or "How long, O Lord?"--God in the Dark is a must. It puts a human face on the problem of doubt and examines it thoroughly. In a way that will respond to your questions, settle your fears, and strengthen your faith.