Getting Things Done: Learn the habits of highly productive 5 minutes (Getting things done, time management, prioritization, organizational skills, get things done, David Allen)
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Getting Things Done: Learn the habits of highly productive 5 minutes (Getting things done, time management, prioritization, organizational skills, get things done, David Allen)

A Guide To Get Your S*it Together, Make Decisions, Take Action And Get Things Done.

As you are well aware, getting things done is not as simple as it seems.....for me it was far from simple, in fact, the only thing I found simple was the act of being busy. The trouble with that was I was often just busy being busy; my life was just an endless cycle of the same thing, every day€¦

I had absolutely zero organisational skills, no idea about prioritization or time management; I was a busy fool.  

My time management was appalling. I never seemed to have enough hours to get anything done; Work / life balance....that was something I read about in magazines, I believed it to be a myth! 

The truth is most of us can say we are busy; I know because I was one of them, but here€s what I learnt..

Mastering the art of getting things done; this is biggest difference between those that are busy and achieving nothing, and those that seem to accomplish great things with out seeming to try. 

Once you know how, it€s all so simple. There is no limit to what you can achieve.

This book contains the steps you need to take and the process you need to follow to master this art. 

With this book there will never again be an excuse for why you didn't get things done!

Here is a sneak peek at what you will learn with this book 'Getting Things Done'

  1. How to use prioritization techniques to decide exactly what you need to first
  2. How to set yourself schedules
  3. How to plan proactively and stick to it
  4. How to priortize your tasks and focus on them like nothing else matters
  5. How to use your time effectively and why it is so important
  6. Much, much more!

Get productive and get things done. Download your copy today! 


  • TitleGetting Things Done: Learn the habits of highly productive 5 minutes (Getting things done, time management, prioritization, organizational skills, get things done, David Allen)
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2015-06-15T17:01:36.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook