Genuine Gurkha Kukri - 5" Blade Panawal Khukuri- Handmade by GK&CO.Kukri House Factory in Nepal.
"Panawal" refers to full tang handle, this kukri has a full tang handle so the kukri is named as Panawal kukri. The blade is made by the continue beating process. The 5" blade is made of highly graded carbon steel (spring of truck, Car) with water pouring temper on the blade so it is very strong. 4"full tang handle is made of Indian rose-wood and fixed with two metal rivets. Scabbard is made of water-buffalo leather. This Kukri can be use for cutting wood, firewood, meat, clearing bushes etc. Due to small size this Kukri can be a best tool for camping. The craftsmanship on this knife is amazing so if you are looking for the finest quality for desktop or small work or Gift, you will be not disappointed. Specification of 5" Blade Panawal Kukri: This is handcrafted kukri therefore please note that each one might have slight variations in measurement. Blade size & Type: 5 Inches (12.7cm) Handmade, Highly Grade Carbon Steel, Semi-polished blade Handle size: 4 Inches (10.16cm) full tang handle made of Rose Wood. Thickness at the Spine: 5/16" Appoximately (7mm). Overall Length: 9 Inches (22.86cm) from tip of the blade to pommel of the handle (Aprox) Weight: Approximately 12.35 oz, 0.77 lb or 375 grams, Blade and Sheath Scabbard: made of Cotton Covered in Buffalo Leather. Origin: Dharan, East Nepal Shipping weight: 1.5 lb or 675 Grams. Blade Hardness: spine: 22-25 RC, Belly: 45-46 RC, Edge: 58-60 RC, Steel Type: 5160 Car Spring