Gay Anal Sex: How To Bottom Without Pain Or Stains
The Gay Sex Classic Completely Revised Edition for 2017! This latest edition introduces a new pain-eliminating sphincter relaxation technique called The Sexhalation Method. Also: How to deal with emotional blocks that stop you from bottoming • How to eliminate hygiene fears • A step-by-step guide to stretching your sphincter so you can take bigger guys.
What Would Your Sex Life Be Like If You Could Bottom Without Pain?
You’d have earthshattering orgasms. You’d experience the erotic pleasure of submitting to your partner’s hardness. Sex would be more interesting because you’d add a whole new dimension to it.
So what stops you? Pain. Or the fear of pain. The anticipation of it. If you're like a lot of guys, you've either tried and failed to bottom because it hurt too much or you wouldn’t let yourself try because of “anticipatory anxiety†--the belief that you have to go through a lot of pain to get to the pleasure of bottoming.
You might also be struggling with the “ick factor.â€
A lot of guys are grossed out by anal sex. If you don’t know how to get clean down there, the smell and the potential to leave tire tracks behind you can put you off completely.
Mike Miller, the gay sex columnist and co-host of HBO’s The Sex Inspectors, teamed up with colo-rectal specialists, a respiratory psychophysiologist and a yoga guru to create The Sexhalation Method. It combines progressive muscle relaxation, unique breath patterns, and sexual imagery to completely eliminate the pain associated with anal sex.
 Here’s a list of some of the subjects you'll see in this best selling gay sex book:
Gay sex doesn’t have to hurt. You just need to learn The Sexhalation Method. This gay best seller also answers letters from real gay men trying--and failing-- to make male anal sex work. You’ll find answers to every question you have, including:
Scroll up, click the buy button and start learning the method tonight!