Gaps Diet Made Easy: How to Beat Autism With Food: Eating the Right Food to Succeed On the Gaps Diet
Gaps Diet Made Easy: How to Beat Autism With Food
If you are the parent with a child that has been diagnosed with Autism you need to read this book.
Lynda got the inspiration of writing this book after the Gaps diet helped her son Ben, recover from autism.
He is also to communicate well and do a lot of things that he was not able to earlier.
Once her son was diagnosed with autism, she researched about a number of ways to take care of the same and found the Gaps diet to be a certain cure.
With the book, she aims to help others who want to beat autism.
Many symptoms have been greatly reduced or completely eliminated by following the GAPS Diet created by Dr. Natasha Campbell-Mcbride
What You Will Learn In This Book:
CHAPTER 1- What Is The Gaps Diet?