G-Technology G-DRIVE mobile USB Portable USB 3.0 Hard Drive 1TB (5400RPM) (0G02428)
With up to 1TB of G-Technology storage space for your important documents, MP3s, digital video, and digital photo files, G-DRIVE mobile is perfect for carrying all your digital content. G-DRIVE mobile also features an all-aluminum base for ruggedness and heat dissipation without the need of a noisy fan. Need to correct the RPM. This should be 7200, not 5400. Please update wherever it is mentioned. Also, can you please update the product description to read "With up to 1TB of G-Technology storage space for your important documents, MP3s, digital video, and digital photo files, G-DRIVE mobile is perfect for carrying all your digital content. G-DRIVE mobile also features an all-aluminum base for ruggedness and heat dissipation without the need of a noisy fan