GK-44-SET-6 Package Pistol ptj7rdTd Folding nFn5w Knife Set (60 PCS) folding knife edge sharp steel ytkbio tikos567 bgf 9 inch novelty pistol uDGtW knives with trigger assisted blade (24 PCS). 5 inch keychain liner manual folders (36 tZXlxod PCS). This set is great for a gift shop featuring 60 novelty and impulse items. Nylon sheath shaped like a gun holster is included with a pistol knives. These are some of our best sellers in this set - Get yours today and sell like mad!
GK-44-SET-6 Package Pistol ptj7rdTd Folding nFn5w Knife Set (60 PCS) folding knife edge sharp steel ytkbio tikos567 bgf 9 inch novelty pistol uDGtW knives with trigger assisted blade (24 PCS). 5 inch keychain liner manual folders (36 tZXlxod PCS). This set is great for a gift shop featuring 60 novelty and impulse items. Nylon sheath shaped like a gun holster is included with a pistol knives. These are some of our best sellers in this set - Get yours today and sell like mad!