Free Bees!
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Free Bees!

If you are struggling to get started in beekeeping, you know it costs a ton of money to buy all the equipment. Shipping charges are increasing every year. Costs continue to go up. Bees, in certain times during the season, are in short supply. I would think everyone would be interested in “free” bees!

So yes, the bees are free but there will always be a cost. But the good news is those costs are relative. And the GREAT news is that you can catch swarms of “free” bees without incurring the cash costs of buying a package of bees or a nuc.

You can catch free bees to replace winter dead-outs. You can catch free bees to expand your apiary. You can catch free bees to increase the number of locations where you keep bees or even expand your hives to start a pollination service.

In a nutshell, you don’t have to buy bees and incur the out-of-pocket expenses that hold a lot of hopeful people back from enjoying a wonderful hobby that holds tremendous business potentials.

Like a lot of people, we have more time than money and the bees are out there for the expense of our time.

This book is about my experience finding, catching and keeping free bees. With this book and the information within, you’ll likewise be able to position yourself to receive free bees and save a bunch of money. Or at least you won’t have to shell out those hard earned dollars to buy bees.

And as you peruse this manuscript, let me give you some great news: never before have there been so many opportunities for free bees. First, the horror stories coming out of the southern United States with respect to “Africanized,” or “killer” bees has the general public on high alert.

The fear of honeybees, ANY honeybee, is at an all-time high (though I think this fear is rather senseless and irrational). When people see bees, they want someone else to deal with them, and deal with them NOW! And every time I rescue a swarm, I’m bombarded with questions, “Are those the killer bees?”

Second, with the loss of honeybees to Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD for short, never has there been a time when people do not want to kill honeybees. They believe there is a shortage of honeybees (a debatable topic skewed by selective reporting from our news media). They want to give the honeybee every opportunity to survive.

But not in their backyard.

And this is kind of a paradoxical irony: They don’t want to kill the bees, but they don’t want them around. The bottom line comes to the reality that the general public is looking for people to come remove and retrieve honeybees and take them away.

Never before has the opportunity for beekeepers been greater than now. The general public goes crazy when they find a swarm of honeybees and they’ll make fifteen phone calls looking for someone to take the bees off their hands. It would be easier to kill the bees, but there is a new thread woven into the public consciousness that recognizes it’s just wrong to do so.

The result is more people in the general population are looking for specialized people (beekeepers like you) to come and save them by getting rid of their bees. I like doing this because I get free bees out of the deal! People hail you as a hero!

This manuscript is about finding those opportunities so people call you. You can acquire a bunch of free bees with a little effort and a little time. I have done this, and I’ll show you how you can, too.

There are many ways to collect free bees, and ultimately, you’ll have to choose the method that works best for you. I'll explain all those details in this book.

  • TitleFree Bees!
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2012-12-23T20:31:15.634Z
  • FormatKindle eBook