Fortune Products CTL-72MC-RC Maxcolor Cocktail Table Light with Remote Control, 72 LEDs, 11.5" Diameter
Here at Fortune Products, we're very proud to introduce our newest line of products--the Maxcolor line With the Maxcolor feature you're no longer limited to standard colors such as red, green, and blue. Now you have the ability to choose from a wide spectrum of colors and shades. Maxcolor features include: Remote Control, 20 pre-programmed colors, 6 flash and fade modes, 6 create-and-save your own color settings. Rechargeable (no standard batteries) and brightness adjustable. Besides its intended use as a cocktail table light, the CTL-72MC-RC can also be used in floral and balloon arrangements, as well as the interior lighting of props, such as our Polydor and MOD product lines. The CTL-72MC-RC will attach to poles of 3/4" to 2" diameter. Simply remove the table top and easily install the support bracket on the table support pole where desired. Then set the light on the bracket pointing down-from-the-top or up-from-the-bottom, then use the remote control device to turn it on and select your desired color mode. Charge time on the Cocktail Table Light is approximately 5 hours. Run time is 8+ hours. The charging adapter is included.