Flora of North America: North of Mexico; Volume 9: Magnoliophyta: Picramniaceae to Rosaceae
To be published in 30 volumes, Flora of North America represents the first and only comprehensive taxonomic guide to the extraordinary diversity of plant life blanketing our continent north of Mexico. The collaborative effort of more than 30 major U.S. and Canadian botanical institutions, this ground-breaking scholarly series revises and synthesizes literally thousands of floristic monographs and regional floras published over the last three centuries.
Flora of North America North of Mexico Volume 9: Magnoliophyta: Picramniaceae to Rosaceae includes treatments prepared by 54 authors covering 691 species in 74 genera classified in four families, with the economically important Rosaceae being by far the largest in the volume with 680 species in 68 genera. Descriptions for all of the families, genera, and species are provided plus occurrence maps for species are included and 28% of the species are illustrated. Keys are included to aid in the identification of genera in families and species within the genera. Volume 9 is the eighteenth volume to be published in the planned 30-volume Flora of North America North of Mexico series.
Concise, easy to use, and beautifully bound and illustrated, Flora of North America is an indispensable working resource for botanists, conservationists, ecologists, agronomists, foresters, range and land managers, horticulturists -- anyone with a series interest in the distribution, habitat, morphology, and survival of the wide-ranging plant life around us.