Five Great Gifts of Whole Life Insurance
Every American that wonders about their financial future should own a copy of this book...
€œWhy?€ you ask.
During the past forty years, the Behemoths of Wall Street and Washington tried to bury the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of whole life insurance under an onslaught of disinformation and misinformation from their cohorts on Madison Avenue.
Their aim?
To gain control of money that rightly belongs to Americans, to their families, and to small businesses.
The Behemoths succeeded in taking millions of Americans down a path that leads to financial servitude. However, they failed to damage the companies and insurance professionals that know what Americans really want, understand how whole life insurance really works€¦really, and why it belongs at the foundation or every personal economy.
The power, flexibility, and versatility of participating whole life insurance has served and saved the personal economies American families for over one hundred-fifty years.
Whether you are a single person, member of a family, matriarch, patriarch, owner of a business, executive at a large company, or an insurance and financial advisor€" providing those you care about with their personal copy of The Five Great Gifts of Whole Life Insurance is a service they will remember€"and appreciate€"for a long time.