Fifth 5th Doctor Who Regeneration Outfit SDCC Comic Con Action Figure
Following the events at the Pharos Project which caused his regeneration, the Fifth Doctor escapes with his companions back to the TARDIS. Suffering from post-regeneration trauma, he only narrowly manages to save the ship from destruction as it plunges back through time to Event One, the hydrogen in-rush that preceded the creation of the universe.
The Doctor then seeks sanctuary, with companions Tegan and Nyssa, in the peaceful domain of Castrovalva, only to discover that it is an illusory, dimensionally paradoxical trap set for the him by the Master, unwillingly aided by Adric, whom he has kidnapped. The Doctor eventually wins the day by enlisting the help of the Castrovalvan people who, although also part of the Master's creation, are nevertheless able to exercise free will.